2025 5th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Intelligent Computing (BIC 2025)

BIC 2022


The Successful Conclusion of BIC 2022

The 2nd International Conference on Bioinformatics and Intelligent Computing (BIC 2022) was held on January 20, 2022 as virtual conference successfully. This conference was hosted by East China Jiaotong University, Dalian Jiaotong University, Chongqing University, organized by the AEIC Academic Exchange Information Center. The theme of this conference is "New Research Directions of Bioinformatics and Intelligent Computing ". The conference will greatly condense the strength of Chinese scholars in this field, and enable Chinese bioinformatics and intelligent computing to develop to a higher level and higher quality. This conference will invite well-known scholars in the field of bioinformatics and intelligent computing at home and abroad. The reports will be divided into: conference reports, oral presentations and poster presentations to exchange achievements in bioinformatics and intelligent computing research and technology Latest results and progress. The organizing committee of the conference sincerely invites scholars in the fields of bioinformatics and intelligent computing, colleagues, graduate students and related companies engaged in bioinformatics and intelligent computing to participate in the conference. 



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Prof. Yuanchang Zhong, Chongqing University

Title:  Research and efficacy of embedded intelligent neural pacemaker


Prof. Anhui Liang,SDUST

Title: Optical Fiber Characteristics of Chinese Meridian Systems and Mussel Cell Lasers

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Prof. Linlin Shen, Shenzhen University

Title: Deep Learning based Medical Image Analysis: Data Problems and Solutions 


Assoc. Prof. Nizhuan Wang, Shanghai'Tech University

Title: Deep Networks & Its Applications: From Convolutional Sparse Coding to Graph Convolutional Network


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On the afternoon of January 22, 5 people including Sun Tingting from Zhengzhou University of Light Industry, Li Jun from Henan University, Li Wenlong from Yunnan University, Zhong Ming from Institute of Medical Information, CAMS and Shaomin Yan from Guangxi Academy of Sciences gave oral presentations.

During the conference, participants have carried out constructive dialogues and discussions around the presented reports, and achieved positive results in many aspects.



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6 excellent posters were picked up to be showed during the conference.


AEIC, as one of the organizers of BIC 2022, has taken practical actions to facilitate the conference. In the future, AEIC will continue to focus on providing specialized academic services, and keep delivering high-quality activities for academic exchanges to promote scientific researches as well as their applications.